Thursday, 1 November 2007

Animal Lovers is now live!

Today the website has gone officially live and we have sent out our first copy of our newsletter to enrolled members of the site.
As a one off special we have included a link to download the newsletter on the home page, so that others can enjoy it as well and hopefully join the list and become active contributors to Animal Lovers
Getting the site up has been a lot of work but it has also been fun.
We have so much material on our animals that it is not yet complete and we will be continually adding to it all the time. Especially videos, which take a bit longer to process and we have loads of great videos of the our animals to upload.
We are also getting the forum set up so that our guests can have discussions with each other and hopefullly share each others animal experiences and learn from each other.
We will be active in the forum ourselves. We don't purport to be animal experts but anyone who keeps animals does gain valuable experience. There is often not one correct way to do things and it is definitely worth having a place where people can exchange ideas and experiences and hopefully all gain from it and possibly have a lot of fun along the way.


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