Sunday, 18 November 2007

The hamster pups are alive!

We are very pleased to report that on checking the hamsters this morning, we could definately see a few pink little bodies wriggling around, deep in one of the hamsters bedding boxes. So our little hamster pups have not been eaten after all, what a relief!

Amazingly, what this means is that our two Russian Dwarf hamsters must have carried all of them from the box they were born in to the box they are in now, which is quite an obstacle course of a journey. I would love to have captured that on film. Unfortunately, we have not been able to get any pics yet, as we are very apprehensive about approaching the cage at the moment. We are very excited about this hamster litter and we don't want to do anything to compromise their safety. The babies have also been buried quite deeply under the bedding materials, so are very hard to get a view of at the moment.

Like rabbits, if a human scent is detected near the babies, the hamsters will kill them. So we are observing from a distance for now and will get some pics as soon as we can and upload them to our animal website.


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